Stay Active and Engaged

Active older adults are healthy older adults. Engaged and connected older adults are happy older adults. Research has proved these points again and again, but unfortunately it can still seem impossible to coax your aging parent out of their home to visit a friend or to take a walk in the fresh air. Instead of giving up try discussing the health benefits of staying active and engaged as you encourage your aging loved one to incorporate more physical and mental activity into their daily routine. For example, according to the Surgeon General, regular physical activity can build flexibility and strength, reduce the chance of falling, and even reduce feelings of anxiety or depression in older adults. As your parents have aged, have you noticed a change in their activity or recreation pursuits? It is common for older adults to adapt their social calendars and physical exercise routines to meet the needs of their bodies. Chronic pain or other conditions can make once active adults become less active in their senior years.

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